What is cataract?
Cataract is the gradual matting of the eye lens, which is just behind the pupil and ensures that you can see. In other words, it gives us the feeling that we are looking through a hazy window.
Is cataract a common disease?
Cataract is, in our country and worldwide, one of the most important and common but avoidable causes of blindness from the age of fifty.
Why does cataract occur?
The most common cause of cataracts is the progression of age.
Also factors such as;
- Diabetes
- Physical trauma to the eye
- Eye diseases such as eye pressure and uveitis,
- Long-term cortisone treatment
- and radiation exposure
can lead to cataract.
Cataract can also occur during infancy and childhood. The main cause of congenital cataract is an infectious disease such as rubella of the mother during pregnancy.
What does cataract cause?
- Progressive decrease in vision
- Sensitivity to light (glare)
- Reading difficulty
- Double vision
- Fading or yellowing of colors
- Distortion in night vision
- Frequent change of diopter strength
How is cataract treated? Is there a treatment option besides surgery?
Cataract is not a disease that can be treated with glasses or medications and there is no effective way to stop the cataract from progressing. The only treatment option is surgery. If there are no other factors other than cataract that affect the vision, the eye regains full vision after surgery.
How is cataract surgery carried out?
Nowadays, cataract surgery is performed without needles, narcosis or pain.
Cataract treatment is a very important operation that requires microsurgery. Cataract operations in our hospital are performed using the FAKO method (also known as laser) and without sutures. With this method a 2.2 – 2.8 mm long incision is made in the eye. The matted eye lens is fragmented and removed with a special device that outputs ultrasonic waves. The artificial and foldable eye lens is then placed in the eye. Since the cut is very small, stitches are not required.
The short operation duration, good results and short healing time are the main advantages of the FAKO method.
The experience of the operating surgeon, surgical conditions, modernity of the devices used and the artificial lens used in the eye are directly related to the success of the operation. Operations carried out with poor quality materials can seriously harm the eye.
How long does the operation take?
The operation lasts between 15-30 minutes, depending on the stage and type of cataract. However, the time you spend in our hospital, along with the preparation for surgery and the recovery after surgery, is about 3 hours.
When should a cataract operation be performed?
For an OP you do not have to wait for the cataract to develop further. If the cataract has reached a certain stage and prevents the patient from seeing properly (difficulty while reading, watching TV and driving) you should operate on it.
In cases with diabetes, where the eyeground must be observed, or in cases with eye pressure, the cataract can also be operated earlier.
Is it harmful to delay an operation?
In patients with very advanced cataract and delayed surgery, there is a greater chance of complications and the duration of surgery will also be longer.
Is it necessary to stay in the hospital after cataract surgery?
You do not have to stay in the hospital after surgery but a check-up on the next day is required.
For how long do you have to take medication after surgery?
After the operation, steroid and antibiotic drops are used for 4-6 times a day for about 3 weeks. The controls after an operation are performed on the first day after the operation, after 1 week and after 1 month (together with a glasses examination).
Can both eyes be operated on the same day?
Due to the risk of infection, both eyes cannot be operated in one day. If the other eye has to be operated, you have to wait at least 2 days.
How long after the operation can you take a shower/bath?
You may take a shower one week after the operation, but you must not rub your eyes.
Is it necessary to use glasses after a cataract operation?
After an operation, the patients are able to see clearly due to the monofocal lens used, so many patients do not need glasses for long sight afterwards. But they might need glasses for near sight. If the patient prefers, a multifocal lens can be placed in the eye during surgery so that he does not require any more glasses, whether for near or long sight.